Telehealth Workshop:
Risso 6
Tuesday, November 5, 2019 |
12:05 PM - 1:35 PM |
Risso 6 |
Tele-Health beyond telemedicine: is it the future?
Miss Nishu Tyagi
Research Associate
Indian Spinal Injuries Centre
Tele-Health beyond telemedicine: is it the future?
Learning Objectives:
i. Basic guidelines to set up the telehealth support unit.
ii. Telehealth support is more than just a telephonic/video consultation.
iii. Examples of telehealth solutions: success stories
iv. Low cost innovations & its impact on telehealth service delivery in LMIC communities
v. How digital literacy is important and required for the patients/caregivers.
vi. Telehealth as an outreach service delivery model in developing nations.
vii. Other tele-services: Tele research,Tele-Prevention, Tele Rehab, Tele-consultation, Tele-education.
viii. Practical application of ISIC telehealth services so far in follow-up care and prevention.
S. No Topic Duration Faculty
1 Introduction and Activity Questionnaire Distribution Audience
2 Telehealth and sexuality 10 min Dr. Marcalee Alexander Speaker
3 Case study: Educational Program 10 min Dr Ingebjorg Irgens Speaker
4 Hospital-based care at home after SCI 10 min Dr Ingebjørg Irgens Speaker
5 Value of telehealth and tele-rehab across business and service models. (Practical Solutions to Existing Issues)
ISIC – Telehealth centre of learning
10 min
Ms Nishu Tyagi/
Dr Shakti Goel Speaker
6 Telehealth : Scope for collaboration (ISCoS) 10 min Dr. Marcalee Alexander Speaker
7 Activity Based learning: Telehealth/Tele-rehab
15 min Ms Nishu Tyagi,
Dr Ingebjørg Irgens Audience : Activity Based Learning
8 Case studies/ success stories 10 min Dr Marcalee Alexander Speaker
9 Panel Discussion: Telehealth in current Consumer practice. 15 min Moderator: Ms. Nishu Tyagi
Experts: Dr Francois Theron, Dr Marcalee Alexander, Ingebjørg Irgens Audience
i. Basic guidelines to set up the telehealth support unit.
ii. Telehealth support is more than just a telephonic/video consultation.
iii. Examples of telehealth solutions: success stories
iv. Low cost innovations & its impact on telehealth service delivery in LMIC communities
v. How digital literacy is important and required for the patients/caregivers.
vi. Telehealth as an outreach service delivery model in developing nations.
vii. Other tele-services: Tele research,Tele-Prevention, Tele Rehab, Tele-consultation, Tele-education.
viii. Practical application of ISIC telehealth services so far in follow-up care and prevention.
S. No Topic Duration Faculty
1 Introduction and Activity Questionnaire Distribution Audience
2 Telehealth and sexuality 10 min Dr. Marcalee Alexander Speaker
3 Case study: Educational Program 10 min Dr Ingebjorg Irgens Speaker
4 Hospital-based care at home after SCI 10 min Dr Ingebjørg Irgens Speaker
5 Value of telehealth and tele-rehab across business and service models. (Practical Solutions to Existing Issues)
ISIC – Telehealth centre of learning
10 min
Ms Nishu Tyagi/
Dr Shakti Goel Speaker
6 Telehealth : Scope for collaboration (ISCoS) 10 min Dr. Marcalee Alexander Speaker
7 Activity Based learning: Telehealth/Tele-rehab
15 min Ms Nishu Tyagi,
Dr Ingebjørg Irgens Audience : Activity Based Learning
8 Case studies/ success stories 10 min Dr Marcalee Alexander Speaker
9 Panel Discussion: Telehealth in current Consumer practice. 15 min Moderator: Ms. Nishu Tyagi
Experts: Dr Francois Theron, Dr Marcalee Alexander, Ingebjørg Irgens Audience
Completed Masters from Indian Spinal Injuries Centre (ISIC) in Neurological Disorders from I.P University, Delhi, India. Her inclination towards researches and determined attitude towards profession bring her to achieve Inga-Britt Lindstrom Grant Award-First Indian Team for researchTele Assessment in Stroke in 2013 from Swedish Association of Occupational Therapy. With that, she started working on one of her most awaited dream projects taking rehabilitation at home through common technologies especially for neglected and rural disabled in Indiain 2014. The project was successful and known as the department of TeleHealth (E-Seva Services) in 2015 which caters the need of customized follow-up and home care services. She has rehabilitated more than 3000 patients (national & international) via TeleHealth department of ISIC. She introduced the concept of tele-rehabilitation via common technologies in patient care as a community outreach/post-discharge service model in India. In the last two years, she has been awarded gold medal including fellowship and won two silver medals continuously for best research papers presented in different International Conferences. She has published six papers in reputed journals and written four chapters in the book titled Research Publication and Ethics. Awarded more than 25 times for her continuous efforts and contribution towards research, rehabilitation field and patient care. She has presented more than 20 papers in National & International Conferences. At the age of 26, she has been awarded the “Smart City-Jan Award” by Navbharat Times Newspaper of India for “Excellence in Medical Field”. Her dream is to expand the R&D of Rehabilitation in India by creating new ideas, collaboration with good teamwork for the benefit of the community. Her research interest areas - Novel protocols for Remote rehab assessment, m-health, neurosciences, Image-guided intervention, Video guided intervention, rural development, and cognitive science, early detectors, neuro-plasticity, brain adaptations, virtual reality, and game- based interventions