Musculoskeletal Workshop:
Risso 7
Wednesday, November 6, 2019 |
1:45 PM - 3:15 PM |
Risso 7 |
Bone impairment following SCI
Dr Christina Anastasia Rapidi
Head Of Department
General Hospital "g.gennimatas"
Bone impairment following SCI
During the acute, sub-acute, and chronic phase of SCI bone turnover is affected. Bone mineral density of lower limbs is decreased up to 28-50% below that of age-matched peers at 12–18 months post injury, coexisting secondary etiologies of osteoporosis may be present, and during ageing additional loss of bone occurs. All these compose a complex canvas of bone impairment after spinal cord injury and make the therapeutical approach challenging. The risk of fragility fractures is increased after the 2nd decade post SCI affecting the functionality and quality of life of individuals with SCI. The lack of evidence-based clinical guidelines for the bone impairment diagnosis and management in SCI requires interdisciplinary cooperation and appropriate planning of future research and interventions. This workshop will work towards the development of a position statement.
1. Learning objectives:
• Pathophysiology of bone impairment post SCI
• Diagnosis and management of “sublesional osteoporosis” during acute and sub-acute phase of SCI
• Diagnosis and management of “sublesional osteoporosis” during chronic phase of SCI
2. Participants at an ‘Intermediate’ or ‘Advanced’ level
3. Target audience (physicians, nurses, physios, researchers, consumers, etc.)
4. Pre-reading of recommended articles, which will be discussed during the workshop, is optional
5. Outline of the workshop
• Do we need guidelines on the prevention and management of “sublesional osteoporosis”?
Christina-Anastasia Rapidi (15΄)
• Is prophylaxis for osteoporosis indicated after acute spinal cord injury?
Yannis Dionyssiotis (15΄)
• Management “sublesional osteoporosis” in chronic phase of SCI. The guidelines of the German speaking medical society of paraplegiology (DMGP)
Yorck Kalke (15΄)
Discussion (15΄)
• Scholiasts:
Brigitte Perrouin-Verbe (10΄)
Marshal Ruth (10΄)
Discussion (10΄)
1. Learning objectives:
• Pathophysiology of bone impairment post SCI
• Diagnosis and management of “sublesional osteoporosis” during acute and sub-acute phase of SCI
• Diagnosis and management of “sublesional osteoporosis” during chronic phase of SCI
2. Participants at an ‘Intermediate’ or ‘Advanced’ level
3. Target audience (physicians, nurses, physios, researchers, consumers, etc.)
4. Pre-reading of recommended articles, which will be discussed during the workshop, is optional
5. Outline of the workshop
• Do we need guidelines on the prevention and management of “sublesional osteoporosis”?
Christina-Anastasia Rapidi (15΄)
• Is prophylaxis for osteoporosis indicated after acute spinal cord injury?
Yannis Dionyssiotis (15΄)
• Management “sublesional osteoporosis” in chronic phase of SCI. The guidelines of the German speaking medical society of paraplegiology (DMGP)
Yorck Kalke (15΄)
Discussion (15΄)
• Scholiasts:
Brigitte Perrouin-Verbe (10΄)
Marshal Ruth (10΄)
Discussion (10΄)
Christina Anastasia Rapidi, MD, PhD, graduated in Medicine from the Patras University of Greece in 1985 and completed her training in Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine (PRM) in 1991. She conducted her PhD in 2002 at the University of Athens. Since 2015 she is working as a senior consultant in the PRM Department of the General Hospital “G.Gennimatas” (NHS) in Athens, and since 2018 she took over as head of the department. Prior to this position, she was working as a consultant in 2nd PRM Department & scientific director of Neurogenic bladder unit of the National Rehabilitation Center, Athens, Greece. Dr Rapidi’s interests include neuro-rehabilitation, autonomic nervous system dysfunction, neurogenic bladder and bowel, pelvic floor rehabilitation. She is also interested in improving the functioning of the rehabilitation team and medical education. Since 2008 she is certificated as European Board Trainer in PRM. She is President of the Hellenic SCI section of the Hellenic Society of PRM, an affiliated member of ISCoS. Since 2014 she is Head of the Special Interest Scientific Committee of the European Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ESPRM) for SCI. During 2013-2016 she was a member of the Editorial Board of “Spinal Cord”, and since 2017 she is associated editor of Spinal Cord Series and Cases, both official journals of ISCoS. She is a co-author of the Chapter of “Autonomic Dysreflexia” in the ISCoS Textbook on Comprehensive Management for SCI.