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Oral Presentations 7

Okapi 3 - Breakout B
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
2:45 PM - 4:05 PM
Okapi 3


Exercise and Functioning

Presenter (if the session has co-presenters, they will be listed in the APP)

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Prof Kathleen Martin Ginis
University Of British Columbia



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Dr Sonja De Groot
Senior Researcher
Reade, Center For Rehabilitation & Rheumatology

The 6-minute push test: construct validity and responsiveness of a simple test to assess fitness status in persons with spinal cord injury

2:45 PM - 3:00 PM


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Dr Dirk Everaert
Research Associate
University Of Alberta

Early FES Cycling After Acute Spinal Cord Injury: Preliminary Results on Prevention of Muscle Atrophy

3:00 PM - 3:15 PM


Dirk G. Everaert received his undergraduate degree in physical therapy from the University of Leuven, Belgium. He specialized in orthopedic physical therapy, more specifically spinal manipulative therapy and research on paraspinal soft tissue mobility at Emory University, Georgia, USA. He received his Ph.D. in Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy from the University of Leuven, Belgium in 2000. As a research associate for dr. Stein and dr. Mushahwar at the University of Alberta, he was involved in clinical trials on functional electrical stimulation (FES) to restore walking in people with neurological conditions (WalkAide footdrop stimulator and FES-brace walking). He was involved in animal experiments using implantation of recording electrodes in the dorsal root gangling to study locomotion, and implantation of intraspinal microstimulation devices to restore locomotion after spinal cord injury in animals. Currently, dr. Everaert is a research associate with dr. Chester Ho at the University of Alberta, and coordinating studies on FES cycling in people early after spinal cord injury in acute care and rehab hospitals.
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Dr Jsabel Hodel
Post Doc
Swiss Paraplegic Research

Functioning trajectories in persons with spinal cord injury undergoing first rehabilitation: Network analysis approach based on a Swiss cohort study

3:15 PM - 3:30 PM


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Ms Hanne Bjørg Slettahjell
PhD student
Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital

Changes in body composition the first year after a traumatic spinal cord injury assessed with whole-body MRI.

3:30 PM - 3:45 PM


Registered clinical dietitian, MSc, and professional lead at Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital, Norway since 2014. PhD student at the University of Oslo, Norway, Faculty of Medicine. Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital specializes in providing comprehensive sub-acute in-patient complex rehabilitation services for individuals recovering from spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, severe stroke, and multitrauma. We offer follow-up care and outpatient rehabilitation to patients with neurological and musculoskeletal conditions. The focus of my PhD research centers on spinal cord injury (SCI) rehabilitation and the implementation of preventive dietetic strategies early on to mitigate long-term complications associated with diet and lifestyle. I am committed to empowering patients throughout their rehabilitation journey by integrating preventive measures, educational initiatives, innovative solutions, and practical skills within the hospital environment, as well as follow-up and home-based support. Since 2017, I have served as the chair of the Nordic Special Interest Group in Nutrition, known as NutriNord_SCI, under the umbrella of NoSCoS (the Nordic Spinal Cord Society). In 2023 I joined the newly established ISCoS Special Interest Group of Nutrition. I eagerly anticipate forging new connections and fostering collaborations within the global community of SCI researchers and clinicians. Together, I am confident that we can advance our understanding of SCI-related nutritional concerns, facilitating the dissemination of knowledge and enhancing the quality of care provided to individuals affected by spinal cord injuries. Contact: hannebjorg.slettahjell@sunnaas.no
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Dr Sungchul Huh
Assistant Professor
Pusan National University Yangsan Hospital

Efficacy of an exercise program for individuals with spinal cord injury in a community setting: a randomized controlled trial

3:45 PM - 4:00 PM


Dr. Sungchul Huh is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine at Pusan National University Yangsan Hospital in Yangsan, Korea. As a practicing physiatrist, his clinical and research interests focus on autonomic dysfunction and neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction stemming from spinal cord injuries. Beyond his clinical and research roles, Dr. Huh is actively involved in various academic committees, notably including the Autonomic Standards Committee of the American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA).