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Oral Presentations 11

Okapi 2 - Breakout A
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
3:40 PM - 4:50 PM
Okapi 2


Translational/Clinical Research

Presenter (if the session has co-presenters, they will be listed in the APP)

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Dr Rutger Osterthun
Rijndam Rehabilitation And Erasmus University Medical Center



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Dr Johannes de Munter
Neuroplast BV

The potential benefit of treating (sub)acute traumatic spinal cord injuries with an autologous stem cell product (Neuro-Cells®).

3:40 PM - 3:55 PM


The last 20 years, working as a pioneer to enable marketing registration for an autologous stem cell product to treat chronic and acute Neurodegenerative disorders. As an emergency physician and epidemiologist capable of translating stem cell research into a treatment model for patients. Today, CEO/CSO in a scale-up company Neuroplast focussed to bring a not substantial manipulated autologous stem cell product to the market. Key expertise’s are out of the box developing, ATMP regulation, Orphan designation tracts and stem cell preclinical and clinical development. (Co)Author of 16 peer-reviewed articles and inventor of 3 patents regarding ATMP processing.
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Ms Srisankavi Sivasankar
Phd Candidate
The University of Adelaide

The effect of traumatic spinal cord injury severity on chronic cognitive dysfunction in an aging rodent model.

3:55 PM - 4:10 PM


Hi, I am a PhD candidate in the Spinal Cord Injury Research Group at the University of Adelaide. My research focuses on the underlying mechanisms and treatment options for chronic cognitive dysfunction following traumatic spinal cord injury in a pre-clinical and clinical setting.
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Miss Chunyan Fu
Phd Candidate
Zhejiang University

Macrophage-targeted Mms6 mRNA-lipid nanoparticles promote locomotor functional recovery after traumatic spinal cord injury in mice

4:10 PM - 4:25 PM


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Dr Lique Coolen
Kent State University

Dopamine D3 receptor activation partially restores ejaculatory function following thoracic spinal contusion injury in male rats.

4:25 PM - 4:40 PM


Dr. Lique Coolen is Professor of Biological Sciences at Kent State University. Her research focusses on sexual dysfunction following spinal cord injury and utilizes animal models to investigate the effects of injury on the spinal ejaculation generator and develop potential treatment options.