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Oral Presentations 5

Darwin - Breakout E
Monday, September 23, 2024
4:40 PM - 6:00 PM


Perceptions of People with Lived Experience

Presenter (if the session has co-presenters, they will be listed in the APP)

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Dr Vanessa Noonan
Director, Research & Best Practice Implementation
Praxis Spinal Cord Institute



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Dr Johanna Wangdell
Researcher/knowledge Translator
Sahlgrenska University Hospital

An enhance life for people living with SCI: Needs to be met, researcher priorities and knowledge gaps identified in the Swedish need assessment project

4:40 PM - 4:55 PM


Occupational therapist and researcher. Current main projects: - Need assessment to enhance life for people living with SCI in Sweden – Needs, research priorities and knowledge transfer. https://osf.io/73apw/ - Investigating the tetraplegic upper limb the first 6 months after injury.
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Dr Allison Yates
Research Fellow
University Of Melbourne

Conceptualisation of health: validity concerns regarding health-related quality of life measurement in people with spinal cord injury

5:00 PM - 5:15 PM


Allison has a clinical background in physiotherapy, which included working as a senior clinician for several years at the Welsh Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Centre at Rookwood, Cardiff. She has post-graduate qualifications in public health and management, and professional interests in program evaluation, economic evaluation and quality improvement.
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Miss Yasmin Arena-Foster
Senior Research Assistant
Clem Jones Centre for Neurobiology and Stem Cell Research

Cell transplantation therapy for spinal cord injury: What do the patients want?

5:15 PM - 5:30 PM


Originally from Western Australia, Yasmin Arena-Foster has pursued neuroscientific research in the intersection of gastrointestinal health and mental well-being, particularly in the context of treatment-resistant depression and schizophrenia. Currently, she is based at the Clem Jones Centre for Neurobiology and Stem Cell Research in Queensland, where she contributes to efforts aimed at bringing a cell transplantation therapy for spinal cord injury (SCI) to clinical trials. Yasmin’s work reflects a dedication to scientific exploration and translational efforts, with a focus on improving outcomes for individuals affected by SCI. As a presenting author at the SCI conference, she aims to share her insights and contribute to ongoing discussions in the field.
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Dr Chester Ho
Professor & Spinal Cord Injury Research Chair
University Of Alberta

Persons with Spinal Cord Injury Co-designing their own Self-Evaluation tool to monitor their Experiences with Transitions in Care and Changes in Health, Function and Quality of Life

5:30 PM - 5:45 PM


Dr. Ho is an SCI Physiatrist with a special interest on the healthcare delivery and management of complications following SCI. He integrates his clinical and research interests with his healthcare leadership position in Alberta. He is funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research to study transitions in care for persons with SCI from inpatient rehabilitation hospital to the community.
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Dr Swati Mehta
Lawson Health Research Institute

Effectiveness of a tailored internet-delivered cognitive behaviour therapy program among patients with post spinal cord injury: A randomized controlled trial.

5:45 PM - 6:00 PM


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