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Rapid Fire 3

Gorilla 3 & 4 - Breakout D
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
3:40 PM - 4:50 PM
Gorilla Rooms 3 & 4


Miscellaneous Topics

Presenter (if the session has co-presenters, they will be listed in the APP)

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Prof Ruth Marshall
Medical Director
Central Adelaide Local Health Service



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Mrs Sabrina Imhof
PhD Student
University Hospital Balgrist / Spinal Cord Injury Center

Different training regimes lead to sustained functional improvements across diverse locomotor domains in subjects with chronic incomplete spinal cord injury

3:40 PM - 3:50 PM


Sabrina obtained her Master's degree in Physiotherapy from the University of Applied Science of Bern in 2020 and joined the Paralab as Research Assistant in the same year. She was mainly working in a clinical training study with iSCI and MS patients. In June 2022 she started as a PhD student in the group of PD Dr. Dr. Björn Zörner. Her main interests are the training and improvement of locomotor function in different patient groups. In her PhD project she is focusing on changes in qualitative and quantitative aspects of gait after different training regimes in spinal cord injured patients.
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Dr Xiang Li
Attending Doctor
The First Affiliated Hospital Of Sun Yat-sen University

Mutual regulation of microglia and astrocytes after Gas6 inhibits spinal cord injury

3:50 PM - 4:00 PM


"Xiang Li, Associate Researcher/Associate Professor at the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, investigates the molecular mechanisms underlying spinal cord injury and neural regulation of osteogenic differentiation. He leads a National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) youth project and has contributed as first or corresponding author to publications in esteemed journals including Arthritis & Rheumatology, EMBO Molecular Medicine, and Experimental and Molecular Medicine."
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Mrs Nele Bertels
Phd Student
Hasselt University

Evidence-based framework to optimize active upper limb motor training in subacute cervical spinal cord injury

4:00 PM - 4:10 PM


Nele Bertels graduated as an occupational therapist in 2015 and obtained her master's degree in occupational science in 2019. From 2015 to 2021, she worked as an occupational therapist in neurological rehabilitation at the rehabilitation center Pellenberg, University Hospitals Leuven (Belgium). In September 2021, Nele started her PhD at Hasselt University (Belgium), focusing on training variables of task-oriented upper limb rehabilitation in people with cervical spinal cord injury.
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Mrs Piia Haakana
Phd Researcher
Helsinki University Hospital

Investigating the effects of Paired Associative Stimulation: Heart Rate Variability, muscle activation, and enhanced plasticity when combined with Vagus Nerve Stimulation

4:10 PM - 4:20 PM


Piia Haakana is a doctoral researcher in the doctoral program Brain&Mind at the University of Helsinki. Additionally, she serves as a clinical biomechanist at the motion analysis laboratory at Helsinki University Hospital. Her doctoral research focuses on investigating the effects of Paired Associative Stimulation, a method developed for spinal cord injury rehabilitation.